

Receive Career Awareness and Select The Career of Your Choice.

Follow your Chosen Career with Determination to Succeed.

You have Achieved the Career of Your Choice, Well-done!

You have Become what You have Chosen to be, Enjoy Practising Your Chosen Career.

Welcome to My Isisekelo Career Hub!

MICareer hub is a platform established for all learners in South African schools to receive awareness, guidance, and mentorship about the careers available in the country and support the learners towards the realisation of their chosen careers. MICareer hub also act as a bridge linking students at institutions of higher education and training to study fields professional bodies, employment sector authorities and potential employers for internships/learnerships/apprenticeships/ or employment opportunities. The platform makes use of both professional knowledge and technology to bring about realistic and sustainable solutions towards eliminating the shortage of Critical and Scarce Skills in the country, as well as eradicating youth unemployment within the economy.

About Us


MICareer refers to ‘my isisekelo career’, which is a career hub established and launched by Isisekelo Graduate Development Institute in collaboration with various partners which include schools, colleges, universities, non-governmental and non-profit organisations, government departments, professional bodies, state-owned entities, and private sector business organisations to promote career development, guidance and support at schools and institutions of higher education and training to ultimately eliminate critical and scarce skills shortages and youth unemployment in general throughout the economy.

+ Why MICareer Platform was launched.
+ Challenges Faced by South African Learners within the Education Systems
- Economic challenges: Skills shortage vs
- Basic Education/Schooling Systems
- Higher Education/Professional Training

My Career

Our programs and initiatives designed to help resolve challenges faced by all learners within the South African schooling systems and institutions of higher education and training  include the following:

> Career Awareness, Development, Guidance, Mentorship and Support.

Man in Blue Plaid Button Up T-shirt Writing on Bond Paper
woman and man sitting in front of monitor


If you are not yet a registered user on our platform, and you are a School Learner or a student at CET Centre or TVET College or University or not in Education, please register for your appropriate programmes below:


If you have any questions or enquires, Click the button below.

Pick a Profession & Career of choice

Meet Medical Doctors at Work
A Woman Arranging Medical Tools in an Operating Room
Men's White Dress Shirt
Woman Having Dental Check-up
three people inside factory wearing masks and coats

Our Partners

Following are our partners with whom we proudly collaborate to change the future of our youth.
TVET Colleges
CET Centers
Government Departments
4 Africa
Tertitech S.A. IT Solutions
Non Profit Organisations
CB Educare
National Religious Leadership for Social Change

Please contact us.